Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Bonnie's first visit to Clinic = Good

Bonnie visited the UCSF clinic Tuesday. Her neutrophils are up to 1000, platelets are great, her red cells are good, and her white cells are sluggish -- which is expected at this point.

She's had symptoms of gall stones for a while -- episodes of belly pain -- and they've decided to take out her gall bladder before her upcoming transplant. It's not worth the risk of an infection, and the gall bladder isn't needed. Current plan is to take the gall bladder out on the 29th of June at UCSF.

Her bone marrow biopsy is scheduled for next Tuesday. This is when we will discover if she is indeed in remission. Then she'll head off to Minnesota on the 5th of July for an intake meeting, zip back to Burlingame, then start her transplant in Minneapolis about a week after her initial meeting.

She sounds well -- passing on cooking tips to me and scheduling future brunches. Sounds like her Dad is now in town, too.


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