Thursday, June 02, 2005

I'm not in SF or NY but want to donate...

A number of people have contacted Michael or Bonnie, asking "I'd like to sign up for bone marrow donation, but don't live in San Francisco, New York, or Boston. How can I help?" There are two ways:

1.) If you are of Eastern European Jewish ethnicity (and can't make it to SF (6/5), NY (6/12), or Boston (6/12)), "Gift of Life" does have an online registration process, and with a donation of $18, will provide the materials for an in-home swab test. Here is the link:

Online registration and donations with "Gift of Life"

2.) Anyone can join the National Marrow Donor Program. For more information on how to join, here is the link:

How to Join the Registry

Of course, if you are in SF, Boston or NY over the next two weekends, and are a possible match for Bonnie, you can click here to learn more.


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