Preliminary Plan: Summer in Minnesota?
This weekend, Bonnie, her doctors, and family spent a lot of time evaluating options. The preliminary plan is to go to The University of Minnesota in mid-June for an initial meeting, then return there in July for a cord blood transplant. Minnesota is one of the world's largest cord blood transplant centers as they have performed more than 750 cord blood transplants. They also have the most experience with "pooled" cord blood transplants -- pooling two different cord blood samples -- which is typically required for adult patients in order to get enough blood volume. This plan is based on a weekend's worth of discussions with her physicians (the thinking may change) and is dependent on getting her back into remission in the next few weeks.
The National Bone Marrow registry site is a great resource, and here is the specific link for more information about cord blood transplants. If you do some in-depth research on this site, remember that Bonnie has A.L.L. (adult), this would be an unrelated cord blood transpant, and within a few weeks Bonnie should be in her 2nd remission. (Hint: there's some pretty encouraging data on this subset).
I know everyone's natural reaction is to mount a large bone marrow donor drive. This is always the right thing to do, as the more donors, the better the odds for future patients with leukemia. It's also a good outlet for Bonnie's friends and families who want to take action, and do whatever it takes to get her back to health. So, "the committee" is getting together to organize a drive -- details later.
Recognize, however, that a bone marrow match being found in a present-day drive is the equivalent of winning the lottery. People do win lotteries, however, so stay tuned for details on how you can help. In the meantime, here is more information about how to become a donor:
National Marrow Donor Program
On the good luck front, I'm glad Bonnie will be visiting Minnesota during the summer and not the winter! She should be around her home in Burlingame for most of June, which I am sure she, her friends and family will enjoy, and then will likely head to sunny Minnesota in July. That's the initial plan for now, at least.
My best to Bonnie and all her family.
The National Bone Marrow registry site is a great resource, and here is the specific link for more information about cord blood transplants. If you do some in-depth research on this site, remember that Bonnie has A.L.L. (adult), this would be an unrelated cord blood transpant, and within a few weeks Bonnie should be in her 2nd remission. (Hint: there's some pretty encouraging data on this subset).
I know everyone's natural reaction is to mount a large bone marrow donor drive. This is always the right thing to do, as the more donors, the better the odds for future patients with leukemia. It's also a good outlet for Bonnie's friends and families who want to take action, and do whatever it takes to get her back to health. So, "the committee" is getting together to organize a drive -- details later.
Recognize, however, that a bone marrow match being found in a present-day drive is the equivalent of winning the lottery. People do win lotteries, however, so stay tuned for details on how you can help. In the meantime, here is more information about how to become a donor:
National Marrow Donor Program
On the good luck front, I'm glad Bonnie will be visiting Minnesota during the summer and not the winter! She should be around her home in Burlingame for most of June, which I am sure she, her friends and family will enjoy, and then will likely head to sunny Minnesota in July. That's the initial plan for now, at least.
My best to Bonnie and all her family.
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