Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Just hit 1,500 visits!

It's 10:22 on Wednesday night and I visited "Bonnie's Blog" to make sure everything is up and running, and I noticed that I was visitor number 1,500. So, I'm bestowing upon myself lavish gifts and prizes -- maybe a "BTK: Our Hero" hat?!

Visitor number 1,000 never stepped forward. Langley Steinert, a Tuck classmate of Michael, was visitor 1,001 and in lieu of the many hats, bags, t-shirts, and generally swank schwag I offered him, Langley accepted "a happy, healthy Bonnie (and Mike)" instead.

1,500 hits! That's more than two times the number of homeruns Barry Bonds has hit! If you're still with me after that lame segue, I noticed that Bonnie and Barry Bonds have similar recovery schedules this week. Here's the quote right out of Barry's online journal: "This week, I will be getting off the antibiotics and have another blood test." Hum, that's suspiciously like the week ahead for Bonnie. And did I mention that Bonnie is on steroids?

Note to self: Don't write posts after 10:30 at night. Note to you: All's well with Bonnie.


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