Saturday, July 02, 2005

Gall Bladder & Cord blood update

Bonnie sent me a note, "Vicoden is my friend," as "it hurts when I bend." (Hey! This is kind of catchy, can anyone write a song for this?) Bonnie also reported that her gall bladder did have some scarring and there was evidence of large kidney stones passing, so it was the right thing to remove the gall bladder.

Here is a live update from Michelle Ebersman (submitted by me shoreside in Puerto Rico):
I visited Bonnie today. She is doing great although she is sore from the gall bladder surgery. The only setback is that the two cord bloods that match her don't match each other. Her physicians need to find an additional cord blood sample to match one of the existing two samples, or two new samples that match both Bonnie and match each other.

This will likely push back the timing of the transplant-- not good news as she may need to go into a holding pattern with more chemo. Also, they have typed 90% of the samples from recent bone marrow drives and there haven't been any matches -- yet.


Keep those guest blogs coming, Michelle!


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