Thursday, September 22, 2005

Bonnie Day 4 Update: From Michelle E.

I just spoke to Bonnie. She sounded really strong and energetic, especially since she called me at 10pm MN time.

Mike and the girls arrived yesterday. They arrived much later than planned because Mike's rental car got towed when he parked it outside their apartment!

Bonnie said they had a great day today. The girls were so happy (as were Bonnie and Mike) and they painted their toenails and played with lipgloss. I believe tomorrow is Playdough day.

There is nothing to report on the medical front. Bonnie's doctor told her the best thing she can do is "keep it boring". Preventing infection is so important right now -- she can't let an infection get in the way of engraftment again.

Bonnie said her entire immune system is on her IV pole right now and she is anxious to have her own immune system sans the pole. She is on Predisone right now and that always makes her feel energetic; she says it gives her a "false sense of strength." She will be on it for 2 more weeks. The good news is her energy level, the bad news is Bonnie has a hard time sleeping when she is on the drug.

Assuming engraftment in the next few weeks, if someone were to test Bonnie's DNA, she would have 3 different types: her original, the cord that may have had some engraftment the first time around, and the new cord. The writers of "Law and Order" should incorporate someone who has had a cord blood transfer into one of their episodes as a criminal- they would never get caught!

If the new cord is the one that engrafts, she will go back to having A+ blood, her original bloodtype.



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