Update on Bonnie's tests via Michelle E.
Michelle Ebersman spoke to Bonnie and got an update on Bonnie's results. As always, it's a wait and see situation. Michelle describes it pretty clearly in her post below:
Kristen and Bonnie will be talking shortly. I will try to post a carefully edited version of what is happening with Bonnie, as well as her options, sometime over the weekend.
I spoke to Bonnie and here are her results. Basically:
- There are no stem cells, as yet. That in itself is bad as we would expect some engraftment at this point, BUT...
- Bonnie has Herpes Simplex 6 (that horrible rash she told me about a few days ago which is notorious for delaying engraftment. So she is holding on to hope that the Herpes is what has prevented engraftement.
But, the stem cells have a shelf life which varies with each patient and the question is whether they caught the herpes too late. She was laughing as she said, "I can't believe that I am happy to have Herpes".
On an added note, there is a third cord-blood unit available which they have held in reserve. Bonnie's physicians will do another bone marrow biopsy next Thursday. If there aren't stem cells then there is some discussion that they will do a transplant with the third cord at some point in the future.
Kristen and Bonnie will be talking shortly. I will try to post a carefully edited version of what is happening with Bonnie, as well as her options, sometime over the weekend.
Please keep the postings coming!! I try to talk to Bonnie every other day, but I hate to ask her questions about the biopsies and the general state of affairs, especially when it's not a glowing report. I really appreciate all of the updates on the Blog. Go Gib, Michelle, etc!
Cindy L. from Boulder
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