Monday, November 28, 2005

Bonnie's Homecoming Today!-- from Hilary

As you know, Bonnie is coming home Monday and
we (Betsy, Lisa, Charlie and I) want her house to look
extremely FESTIVE, so we have asked everyone to:

1. Stop by her house at 334 Pepper Ave to sign a big
poster on her garage(Betsy put this up today-Sunday)

2. Write with chalk on her driveway(Betsy put out the
chalk Sunday)

3. Charlie came up with a great idea to print photos
and adjectives that describe this amazing woman and
hang them from colorful ribbons in her trees- strong,
dedicated, tenacity, love, stud, friendship, family,
mother, etc.

4. Bring balloons to decorate the house

Please feel free to forward around to anyone. I talked
to her today and she was in the middle of packing--and
sounded thrilled to be coming home tomorrow!

Thanks again-


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