Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Leukemia in the age of Wikipedia

I don't think it was prevalent when I first started this blog two years ago, but for those who seek basic information about leukemia, Wikipedia is a handy reference. As a reminder, Bonnie has A.L.L. for which there is a pretty cogent definition in the Wikipedia entry. Click
here to read all about it.

The rumour mill (that would be me) is saying that Bonnie has a few friends (including Isabel, Devon and Michael) in her room today celebrating her 40th birthday so it's not too late to send best wishes via email or fax. Here is a handy link to send her an email.

Kristen saw her last night and said she looks good. Surgery to remove her appendicitis was the right call as she instantly felt and looked better. The appendicitis did put a halt to her chemo treatments. Today would be the day of maximum toxicity -- two weeks after she began chemo to get her back into remission -- and it's a good sign that she looks and feels pretty good. It's now a waiting game. In about ten days we'll see if the chemo has induced remission.

Kristen did spend a bit of time talking to the nurses on 11-Long and it turns out that Bonnie was the third case of acute appendicitis this year among leukemia patients so this scenario wasn't quite as unusual as either of us thought.

I picked up my daughter, Kelsey, at Michael's house last night. Kelsey (11) spends an hour each afternoon with Isabel (6) helping her to read. Saw Mike and he's definitely well-fed and well-supported. He and the girls were eating poached salmon with a fancy fish sauce. Many thanks to all in the community who are helping out with food, playdates, and good cheer.


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