Thursday, August 23, 2007

Tuesday and Thursday night dinners for Mike and Girls

Dear Friends,

Many thanks to each one of you for all you have done to help the Tonneson family through this difficult time. I know Mike and the girls appreciate everything; they have been embraced by this amazing community. You are all incredibly kind and generous people.

We hope to continue the Tuesday/Thursday meal delivery schedule for the Tonnesons through 2008 (and possibly beyond, depending on the family's desire). So many of you have asked how we can continue to help... perhaps this small token of friendship will allow Mike and Bobbi Jo a little more time to focus on the family's needs while not having to worry about what is for dinner.

The dinner sign up sheet can be found here
or you can cut and paste this link:

Thank you again for your kindness.

Love to all,
-Betsy Berman


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